Long Beach Townships Plastic Bag Ban is in Full Effect

Long Beach Townships Plastic Bag Ban is in Full Effect 07/26/2024

Long Beach Townships Plastic Bag Ban is in Full Effect

Officially beginning on May 1, 2018, Long Beach Township has enforced a ban on plastic bags. Businesses such as pharmacies, supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, clothing stores, surf shops, food marts and food service establishments will no longer be supplying plastic bags. The only [places of business allowed to use plastic bags will be bait shops.

If you do not have reusable bags at home, it is time to stock up! The township will also be providing two reusable bags to residents and summer vacationers. 750 bags have been distributed thus far and thousands are left to be given out.

The ordinance to ban plastic bags was adopted back in November 2017. Businesses were given a 6-month “grace period” to use all of the plastic bags they had left in stock. Everyone seems to be working together and adapting to the new lifestyle well. Neighboring towns are also jumping on board and are heading in the direction of plastic free as well.

Plastic bags are a large portion of the ocean and river pollution. With the elimination of plastic bags in Long Beach Township, LBI is one step closer to a pollution free destination!

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