10 Tips to Keep Your Home in Tip Top Shape All Summer Long

10 Tips to Keep Your Home in Tip Top Shape All Summer Long 07/26/2024

10 Tips to Keep Your Home in Tip Top Shape All Summer Long

On the Inside

• Service the air conditioning. Absolutely nothing can ruin your day more than a broken AC unit on a hot summer day. Call a professional and have them come out to service the unit. Don’t forget to also change your filter routinely, especially if you have four legged friends running around!
• Replace smoke detector batteries. We recommend changing your smoke alarm batteries every six months. With the higher risk of fires during these hot months it is a great idea to make sure all batteries are new and working properly.
• Clean behind appliances. This is that task you have been putting off forever. Time to get down and dirty. Cleaning behind your appliances will give you piece of mind that your kitchen is as clean as can be! Also, summertime is ant season and eliminating and sign of crumbs or food is a great way to keep them away.
• Clean dryer vents. Cleaning out our vents will ensure clean, dry clothes every time your cycle is finished. Also, built up lint in a vent is a fire hazard and should be cleaned immediately. Your local furnace and air duct cleaners will be able to clean that out for you in no time!
• Upgrade your thermostat. Out with the old and in with the new! Time to replace that old thermostat and upgrade to a “smart” model. These thermostats do more than save you money. They respond to your voice, push the cool air to occupied rooms and can be operated from your phone or tablet!

On the Outside

• Inspect gutters. Make sure all gutters are free and clear and do not have any leaks. After your fall clean out there is sure to be some build up in your gutters again.
• Inspect sprinklers. Since your sprinklers have been off all winter long, its time to get them up and running again. Run through all of the cycles a few times and inspect for any leaks, cracks or gushing water. If you notice any issues, contact you local sprinkler maintenance crew.
• Get your mower up and running. Dust off the mower and get it up and running again! It is a good idea to change the oil, clean the blades and air filters to get a great use out of it all summer long.
• Remove hornet nests. Nobody, we repeat nobody likes hornets or knowing there is a big hornets nest outside of the home. We highly recommend calling a professional and having these taken care of.
• Clean the grill. It’s finally grilling season! It’s time to take the cooking outside. Make sure your grill is clean and free of any old food particles and debris to prevent any flare-ups. Refill your propane tank or stock up on charcoal to be sure not to run out during family barbeques this summer.

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